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great work


Deleted post

These are very good. Well worth a fiver imo.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm using your (awasome) assets on my shitty game.


ECcHi tIll I DiE ALl thESe LOliS CaLL mE SenPaI- RuBbINg oN hER ThIghs SHe StaAy WeT FoR HeR SENPai- ShAwTy sO KAwAiI, ANd WoULD DIE FOr hER SeNpaI- RIDe anD WAtcH HenTaI, ALl THe TIMe WItH seNpAi-


ok and


it's a song 🧍


Nice. But more?

Deleted post

What engine are you using for your game?

I would like to do some H games



I'm programming my first videogame, a small pinball game with the Godot3 engine.
The game is free and without publicity.

I used your sound pack to give the game a hot spot. If you will like to test it and see the credits you can download from this link:

Thanks a lot for share you sound pack. I love it!

Can you make this game for pc player?

that sounds so good :oc

Lol ;D


So hows that game going? Just out of interest. 

I would ask you to help but vaulve relase dates arent exactly.. reliable


That's sounds very good! 

Really good quality, this is just what I've been looking for for my idea. Really looking forward to more packs!